Norton Estate

Australia, Victoria, Western Victoria
758 Plush Hannan Road, Lower Norton, VIC, 3400, Australia
Norton Estate came to being in 1996 when Wendy and Don Spence retired and decided to purchase a small farm at Lower Norton, 15 kilometres southwest of Horsham. The property at Lower Norton stood out from the rest of Wimmera plains in that it was on undulating hills, and had a unique patch of Mallee scrub around it, being the most southern occurrence of Mallee vegetation in Australia. This area was known by locals as the "Little Mallee". Due to this unique occurrence and a love for great wine, Wendy, Don and their son Chris, decided to try their hand at producing wine grapes, so the first hectare of Shiraz was promptly planted. The early quality of this first planting surprised even the staunchest critics, encouraging us to proceed with further plantings. Over the next few years Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc and more Shiraz were planted and the fruit quality was excellent, encouraging us to produce our first wines. Over this time, and a determination to grow and produce the highest quality wines possible, we have now firmly established Norton Estate Wines as a producer of some of Australia's finest boutique wines
+61 3 5384 8235
+61 3 53848235