Ferraton Pere et Fils

France, Rhône, Hermitage
The land and the people who tend it share the same history. A history which grows from generation to generation. At the origin, one man, Jean Orëns Ferraton. Vigneron, and son of a vigneron. A region basked in sun, the Rhône Valley. It was 1946. The story begins. Michel, his son, inherited the same passion. He decided to give a new dimension to his father’s vineyards. The first Hermitage, Crozes-Hermitage and Saint-Joseph Ferraton were brought into the world. A close friend of the Ferratons’, Michel Chapoutier brought his know-how. In 1998, the vineyards were converted to organic viticulture, then certified. Before embracing the culture of bio-dynamics. An audacious step. For innovative and strong perspectives.