Yarrh Wines

Australia, Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
440 Greenwood Road, Murrumbateman, NSW, 2582, Australia
Ours is a journey of interconnection, a winding road, over the creek, up through the stringy bark forest and onto the freedom of an open clearing. Small parcels of fruit grow here, with healthy soil, clear air, brilliant sunshine and an organic approach, rewarding us with exquisite fruit. With her hands and a meticulous manner Fiona Wholohan creates Yarrh Wines - Running Water Yarrh Wines is located just 45 minutes from Canberra just past the township of Murrumbateman off the Barton Highway, and is a great place to start your wine tour. Yarrh Wines has received recognition for their quality wines achieving medal status for most of their wines, including the Canberra District's premium varieties of Riesling and Shiraz. They produce a range of exceptional cool climates wines including Sauvignon Blanc, Rose, Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Shiraz. The winery boasts a contemporary rammed earth and straw bale design that incorporates some unusual environmentally sustainable features. To ensure ideal temperature conditions, the cellar is buried into the hill and the winemaking area uses a passive solar design. Yarrh strives to integrate cost-effective environmental objectives into relevant business activities. Located in a natural bushland setting, the cellar door provides a spectacular panoramic view of the 6-hectare vineyard, the Yass River Valley and the abundant native wildlife.
+61 2 6227 1474

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