Dirty Three Wines

Australia, Victoria, Gippsland
64 Cashin Street, Inverloch, VIC, 3996, Australia
Although started with Cam McKenzie and Stuart Gregor the winery is now solely owned and run by Marcus Satchell and his wife Lisa Sartori. All are still very good friends. The brand now fully sits around the production of 3 Pinot Noirs from single sites or single dirts in South Gippsland, 3 Dirts - Dirty Three. We have a winery and opened an Urban Cellar Door in Inverloch which is very popular. Marcus is still also making contract wines and consulting to others in the region. Added to the portfolio is a new Chardonnay from mixed sites and a Riesling and Rose. Future plans include planting a new vineyard and bringing the cellar door and winery together in the one complex. We are fully committed to the Gippsland region and hope for our winery to become a destination in its own right in the future.
+61 3 5606 8128

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